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Packaging service

What is this?

Packaging or packaging service for your product in our company. We are often contacted by companies that have received orders for additional, non-standard products that need to be packed, but do not have the equipment, experience, or manpower to implement additional or new orders. In most cases, it comes to us much cheaper and faster, and we will take care of the packaging of your product, from the bag to the box on the pallet at your door. There are often deadlines in the provision of this service, so we always try to help our customers and provide them with a packaging service in the shortest possible time and help implement the project by the expected deadline. We issue VAT invoices for the packaging services provided.

How does it work?

It all starts with choosing the type of packaging for your product. We design the package, choose its type, depending on the customer’s budget, the visual side of the package, and the required protection for the product. We discuss the project price, terms, logistics. The delivery of the product to us is arranged either by the customer or by us using our own transport or using the services of carriers.

Kokius produktus mes galime supakuoti ? Kiek tokia paslauga kainuoja ?

Produktai gali būti labai įvairūs, nuo knygų, kalendorių, lipdukų iki marškinėlių ar smulkių automobilių ar kitų detalių. Neteikiame supakavimo paslaugos maisto produkcijai, bei biriems produktams. 

Kiekvienas projektas ir užsakymas yra labai individualus, pradedant pakuotės rūšimi, terminais, produkto dydžiu ir daugybe faktorių, kurie lemia galutinę paslaugos kainą. Tačiau mes tikrai Jums sutaupysime, laiką, jums nereikės rūpintis pakavimu, visa tai mes padarysime už Jus, o dažnu atveju mes sutaupysime Jums pinigų išleistų pakuotei ir pakavimui.

         Mes supakuosime Jūsų pakavimo rūpestį.

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